
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type


Naomi Isaacs – “Charisma, The Gift That Keeps Giving”

Dr. Fritz Lebowsky – “Emotions come for FREE! — Really? — Maybe not”

Dan Norenberg – “Resilient Relationships for Results”

With the lockdown restrictions on our in-person meetings, AGBC Munich is establishing this new monthly forum.  Similar to the famous “Speakers’ Corner” in the north end of Hyde Park in London, we are providing a digital “Speakers’ Corner” via ZOOM each month for 3 AGBC Munich members to speak about their business projects and opportunities to our members and members of our networking partners. This event is being scheduled on a Wednesday in the middle of the month – normally the 2nd Wednesday (keeping in line with our AGBC Wednesday dates).

This event approach will be similar to the 5 minutes we have offered each member at the beginning of our in-person monthly meetings, but each speaker slot will now be expanded to 15 minutes, including Q&A from the audience.  The total time for the Webcast would be approximately 55 Minutes – 3 x 15 Minutes plus time für introduction and concluding comments from the MC.

For the 10 February Kick-off, we already have three great speakers, but there are still 2 slots open for the 10 March session. If you would like to use this opportunity to present your project and/or opportunity to our audience, please get in touch with Karl Gruns at treasurer@agbc.com

For this initial forum, here is info on our featured speakers and their topics:

Naomi Isaacs – “Charisma, The Gift That Keeps Giving”

The myth that “some have it and some don’t” has confused us for long enough. During over 35 years of teaching and coaching, Naomi’s research has led her to understand that EVERYONE HAS CHARISMA, in fact that it is NOT POSSIBLE NOT TO HAVE CHARISMA.

Does this mean that everyone is supposed to “go out there and shine”? This is where the big misunderstanding lies.  Tracing the word back to its Greek origins, Naomi found the key to uncovering each of her clients’ special brand of charisma, thus enabling them to understand and appreciate their core gift, boost their self-confidence, and achieve marked breakthroughs in their personal and professional lives.  Find out what charisma really means! Find out why you can’t “not have” charisma! Get a handle on what your personal brand of charisma might be and how this awareness could help you to realize your dreams.

Find out more at https://charismology.com

Dr. Fritz Lebowsky – “Emotions come for FREE! — Really? — Maybe not”

With his background as founder and CEO of FLY-CE-SAI SOLUTIONS SASU (https://flycesai.com/about), Dr Fritz Lebowsky will help explore Emotional Information Processing (EIP) as a key ingredient of social responsibility.

  • How well can appropriate EIP inspire a path toward improving social responsibility?
  • Why is EIP becoming increasingly important in our daily lives, helping us inspire others in creating wholesome success for all stakeholders?
  • How can we better link Emotional Intelligence, Technology, Data Privacy and Human Ethics in enabling a resilient path to social responsibility?
  • How can we drive Coherence across Data Ethics, Collective Emotional Intelligence, and primary business objectives?

You can find out more about Fritz at https://www.linkedin.com/in/fritz-lebowsky-b1b3891.

Dan Norenberg – “Resilient Relationships for Results”

Dan Norenberg, CEO of Executive Ownershift, is an executive advisor, coach and consultant to executive and strategic leadership teams as outlined in his book: “EXECUTIVE OWNERSHIFT, Creating Highly Effective Leadership Teams. 

Resilient relationships endure, and grow stronger, even in the most stressful times.  Ambitious and diverse-minded professionals make up the executive and strategic leadership teams; despite these people working in the same team for the same company, not all have resilient relationships with one another.  Consider industry surveys and some of Dan’s observations:

  • 60% of executives say that trust is a real issue in their team.
  • Only 1 in 5 executives says she/he collaborates regularly with her/his executive teammates and colleagues.
  • 9 out of 10 executives say that challenging other executives in the leadership team leads to working relationship issues.

Dan will share what must go right and what can go wrong to create and sustain resilient relationships:

  • Recovering quickly, and mending relationships after difficult situations.
  • Giving your boss tough, uncomfortable feedback.
  • Addressing the elephant in the room and sacred cows.
  • Get out of drama circles that resemble a non-productive “Groundhog Day.”


Event registration is closed for this event.