
6:30 pm - 10:00 pm


Bookings closed


Marriott Hotel
Berliner Str. 93, München, Bayern, 80805, Bavaria

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Dan Bieler
Forrester Research

Connectivity is creeping ever deeper into our lives and business operations, while business success increasingly depends on network-enabled product and service differentiation. 5G is a key factor for advances in digital transformation.  It will play a key role for businesses that want to address the growing customer demand for low-latency and very-high bandwidth product features and service experiences.

In his presentation Dan will explain what 5G is, why it is important, and when 5G will be available. He will also explore the opportunities and use-case scenarios that 5G offers for both industry and consumers as well as security issues.

Dan is a Principle Analyst at Forrester Research and has been in the ICT sector for more than 15 years. At Forrester Dan serves CIOs and digital strategy leaders by guiding them through the challenges of digital transformation. Prior to joining Forrester, Dan worked at Deutsche Telekom’s enterprise division, T-Systems, as a strategic marketing consultant. Before Deutsche Telekom, Dan worked as an EMEA consulting director for telecommunications and networking at the research firm IDC and as a research director at Ovum. Dan holds an M.Sc. in economics and B.Sc. in economics from the London School of Economics and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), both of which are part of the University of London.


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