
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Type



Christiane Rauert – “Little Wild Pets and Graphic & Editorial-Design”

Robert Summers – “Brilliant solutions through conflict management”

Laura Schulte – “8 Leadership Lessons we can Learn from Superheroes”

When: Wednesday, Oct. 13, at 7 p.m.

Please register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvdO6opjssEtEae7weFBI25PVAg5hgWvYI

Following your registration, you will receive an email confirmation with information on participating in the event.

Similar to the famous “Speakers’ Corner” in the north end of Hyde Park in London, we are providing a digital “Speakers’ Corner” via ZOOM each month for 3 AGBC Munich members to speak about their business projects and opportunities to our members and members of our networking partners. The total time for the Webcast would be approximately 1 Hour.

If you would like to use this opportunity to present your project and/or opportunity to our audience for our last Session of this year on December 8, please get in touch with Karl Gruns at treasurer@agbc.com

This month, our featured speakers and their topics are:

Christiane Rauert“Little Wild Pets and Graphic & Editorial-Design”

As a freelance graphic designer and art director, Christiane develops, designs and produces visual appearances of magazines, magazines, catalogs, annual reports, books, book covers, brochures and product packaging for publishers, museums, agencies, institutions and companies. Christiane will talk about the function & worth & joy of design (editorial-design) and how she has used her experience in her first own published book, LITTLE WILD PETS.  https://christiane-rauert.de/

Robert Summers – “Brilliant solutions through conflict management”

Are you fed up with all the bickering, the glares and stares, the daily fuss? Are you in a constant fight to keep your project on track? Wait! Conflicts in our daily business are a pain. At the same time conflicts are a foolproof indicator that issues, challenges and problems are waiting for the perfect solution! Robert, who’s’ background includes qualifications as a Systemic Business Coach (SBC),  Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and Scrum master, will talk about your options on how to tackle tough issues and turn the board: Conflict Management as the core approach to finding brilliant solutions!  https://rcsworks.eu/

Laura Schulte – “8 Leadership Lessons we can Learn from Superheroes”

In today’s global markets, we often make our first impression, and even lead whole projects, virtually. Laura’s superpower is helping today’s purpose-driven experts, founders and innovators win trust in virtual networks by thinking like a Superhero … and sharing their backstory on LinkedIn. Drawing on her experience as a startup-to-IPO executive, award-winning business editor and B2B content strategist, Laura will discuss 8 ways leaders can be inspired by superheroes to accelerate innovation.  linkedin.com/in/laura-fleming-schulte