
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type


Geoffrey Bonosevich – Move? Yes, Cross Move Please!

Jean Marie Bottequin – Relationships in business

Nick Walker – Let’s stand up for whisky!

When:      Wednesday, 9 June 2021 at 7 p.m.

Similar to the famous “Speakers’ Corner” in the north end of Hyde Park in London, we are providing a digital “Speakers’ Corner” via ZOOM each month for 3 AGBC Munich members to speak about their business projects and opportunities to our members and members of our networking partners. The total time for the Webcast would be approximately 60 minutes – 3 x 15 minutes plus time for introduction and concluding comments from the moderator.

If you would like to use this opportunity to present your project and/or opportunity to our audience for our September or October session, please get in touch with Karl Gruns at treasurer@agbc.com

This month, our featured speakers and their topics are:

Geoffrey Bonosevich – Move? Yes, Cross Move Please!

Have you ever found, after being in a certain position for some time, that you are ready to move on to something different? Maybe even something completely new?
I made the choice to do just that one year before my retirement and gained quite a few insights, which I want to share with you, into what a functional cross move means and how it can help you develop, both professionally and personally.

Jean Marie Bottequin – Relationships in business

Successful relationships in business as in the personal sphere requires, among other aspects, attentive attention, respect, and open communication. One of the biggest mistakes we make is that we think we know how our counterpart thinks and what he needs. In reality, most of the time we humans only think about ourselves. Come an join me to find out about at the AGBC Speaker’s Corner, to find out about my „Seven love vitamins for a harmonious partnership“. 

Nick Walker – Let’s stand up for whisky!

Whisky has a history inter-twined with wars, oppression, laws and taxes. It has been at the sharp end of many conflicts but has always pulled through and come out on top. In this brief talk, I will share the highs and lows of whisky through the centuries as well as sharing several little-known facts that make this spirit so mysterious and fascinating.


Event registration is closed for this event.