Brodrick Justice – “What is SEO for your website and is it worth the effort?”
Reinhard Kreuz – “To the maze – straight ahead”
Dr. Randall Birnberg – “Positive New Normal”
When: Wednesday, 14 April 2021
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Similar to the famous “Speakers’ Corner” in the north end of Hyde Park in London, we are providing a digital “Speakers’ Corner” via ZOOM each month for 3 AGBC Munich members to speak about their business projects and opportunities to our members and members of our networking partners. The total time for the Webcast would be approximately 55 minutes – 3 x 15 minutes plus time for introduction and concluding comments from the moderator.
If you would like to use this opportunity to present your project and/or opportunity to our audience, please get in touch with Karl Gruns at treasurer@agbc.com
This month, our featured speakers and their topics are:
Brodrick Justice – “What is SEO for your website and is it worth the effort?”
If you have a website, it’s essential that you know SEO basics, such as: ‘It doesn’t matter how nice your website looks if it can’t be found’.
This is where „Search Engine Optimization” comes into play. But “SEO experts” are often not experts at all, so be very careful. Brodrick will give us easy to use guidelines and why we should be careful in its application.
Reinhard Kreuz – “To the maze – straight ahead”
Check out this interesting introduction to his new book “Zum Irrgarten – geradeaus. Politische Reiseberichte 2010-2020”.
Reinhard will present to us a very personal tableau of a world in transition. This will include varying viewpoints of some well-known authors who help make sense of our present times. Small observations make larger contexts visible. In his attempt to leave the familiar behind, however, he also encounters familiar things in the distance: people’s intensified search for stability and identity, for a supposedly better “yesterday,” which lures many – unfortunately – onto old familiar wrong paths. Blind alleys we’ve visited before? We just don’t know yet as there are also some happy and hopeful encounters in the book which point to an open future …”
Drs. Randall Birnberg – “Positive New Normal”
We have all experienced being in a difficult situation. How we interpret these situations is largely determined on how they’re framed – enter Positive Psychology. If we see this current crisis as a learning experience and a time to re-invent, recreate, and grow, then welcome to the moment! In this talk, you’ll learn psychological tips of resilience, reframing and most importantly gratitude. After-all … happiness is a choice…yours!
Event registration is closed for this event.