Its’s All about Networking – Making Connections
Topic: Enhancing Our Networking Approaches in Todays’ Business World
When: Wednesday, 26th September 2018
Time: Registration starts 1830; meeting starts at 1900, dinner buffet around 2030.
Where: Marriott Hotel, Berlinerstrasse 93, 80805 Munich
Cost: EUR 25.00 for members, Eur 35.00 for guests (incl. Dinner buffet)
Sign-Up: Events tab on the new AGBC Munich Community Platform at
We will lead off the September monthly meeting with brief feedback on the results on the AGBC Munich Member Survey that we ran in June/July this year. The key results: 81% of the people attending our meetings do so for business networking, and there is a strong interest in having speakers addressing general business themes, American-German topics and technology.
As you know, our AGBC meetings are all about networking and helping make some of those business connections that can boost our careers and help develop our social lives. In light of our chapter members’ wish for general business themes, we will focus our next monthly meeting on building and enhancing your business networking communications approaches. First of all, Marketing Communications expert Deborah Spaltmann will set the scene for making our networking more effective by explaining how networking and elevator techniques have evolved over the past decade.
Then we get to practice our elevator speeches and communications approaches with two 10-minute rounds of one-on-one “speed” networking within a group setting. We will have expert support from AGBC member Eric Lynn, an organizational development advisor who will help us optimize our benefits. During these encounters, we can also discuss our opportunities and challenges with our discussion partners while getting to better know each other. We want you to feel encouraged to tell something about yourself that lets others know who you are – not just what you do, as your value for others increases along with the valuable contacts that you build.
The Networking and “Elevator Pitch” Evolutions
At networking events you used to go around and introduce yourself with your “Elevator Pitch” and spread your business cards around. If you had some luck, someone would call you or send you an email after the event. The classic networking goal was to find suppliers and buyers for your products and services – and that was it: end of story.
In our global-sourcing world today, we can buy and sell our products and services almost anywhere and almost everywhere. So the question has evolved more into: Why do you come to a networking event, given all the online options available to find products and services these days? Debbie offers a reason: “It’s because of the people you can meet.” And that is the evolution of networking: to get to know the people behind those offered businesses and services and to identify prospective partners and new sales channels.
Out of necessity, networking has evolved. We want to get to know who it is that we could work with, if they share the same interests or if their values reflect our own. In a nutshell, we ask ourselves, “Could we build a relationship with this person?”
At this meeting we want to engage with people on a more dynamic and meaningful level that is different from “What do you do for a living?” We want to know “Who are you and the path of connection and finding common ground in order to increase the value of the contacts that we make, but also to increase the value of why we share our experiences, learn from each other, offer solutions for conflicts, referrals, different management approaches, etc..
Deborah Spaltmann – Debby is a long-term member of AGBC Munich and a previous Board Member (VP Marketing Communications). She is now one of three co-founders of cevolution, a brand-spanking-new coaching, training and mentoring joint venture that is starting out in 3 countries at the same time.
The 3 founders of cevolution have enlisted a global network of like-minded coaches that all share the same values and the same ambition: to help companies whose employees need to be engaged in a networked world in order to be successful. cevolution strives to support them as they increase their C-Q: their collaborative intelligence. The co-founders originally met and work together online. They are living and exhibiting the way business is being done today – and the way that it will be increasingly conducted in the future: with a focus on “we” and not on “me.”
With an extensive career in Marketing Communications, Debby has worked for or with IT and engineering organizations (Compaq/Hewlett-Packard, Fujitsu, European Silicon Structures), Telecoms (Nokia, Siemens), Software developers and distributors (Aservo, SourceForge), Medical Technical Manufacturing organizations (Wild AT, RS Medizintechnik). She is an avid reader, a motivated learner and her love of her horses keeps her grounded in the here and now.
About cevolution: Founded in July 2018 by Deborah Spaltmann, Helen Gibson (Birmingham, UK) and Sándor Piller (Budapest, Hungary) after they consistently showed up at the same online coaching trainings, and recognized they shared the same values and dreams: to help others lead more successful, and harmonious lives in-and outside of their career and work lives. They can be reached at
Eric Lynn – Eric facilitates Culture Change and is the creator of cultureQs ( For more than 30 years, he has been working worldwide as an Organisation Development Consultant, Facilitator, Coach and Provocateur for Cultural Integration, Change and Leadership, whereby the primary focus is on (Re-)Shaping Workplace Culture. Professional principle: Good Purposeful Work with Good People. Change and crossing cultures have been the defining aspects of Eric’s life since childhood. Working in English and German, he has lived and worked on 4 continents, including 8 years in Asia. He currently lives in Munich.
This event is fully booked.