
6:30 pm - 10:30 pm


Bookings closed


Marriott Hotel
Berlinerstr. 93, 80805 Munich

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Prof Dr. Andreas Peichl, Director of the ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys and Professor of Economics at the University of Munich (LMU)

Gender equality, or even better the lack thereof, is a hotly debate topic today. What needs to be done to increase equal opportunities, close the gender wage gap and bring more women into management positions? Prof Dr Andreas Peichl will discuss these and related questions and offer some solutions in his talk. He will also discuss the role of government policy including, for example, the new German Pay Transparency Act as well as the system of joint taxation.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Peichl is Director of the ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys, Professor of Economics at the University of Munich(LMU), as well as and Head of the LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center (EBDC). He has been involved in various research projects conducted on behalf of national ministries, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Central Bank, and the OECD. His current research interests include (empirical) public economics and labor economics with particular reference to policy reforms (especially in the context of taxation) and their empirical evaluation and the analysis of income distributions. Peichl has published extensively in leading international academic journals.


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