
8:45 am - 2:00 pm


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New European College
Wolfratshauser Straße 84, München, Bavaria, 81379

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AGBC Munich will hold its annual Exchange event in 2022 on Saturday, April 23rd, from 8:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the new European College, Wolfratshauser Str. 84, 81379 Munich.

The €10 admission fee will be collected at the door and includes a Spanish tapas lunch! There will also be croissants and brez’n for breakfast and refreshments.

8:45-9:15 Registration, light breakfast, refreshments; 9:15 Welcoming & introductions; 9:30 Presentations begin

2G+ rules will apply! Vaccination certification and ID required.

Here is our great lineup of speakers and topics:

Randall Birnberg – Mindful New Normal

We have all experienced being in difficult situations. How we interpret these situations is largely determined to how they’re framed – in other words, the context. If we see this current crisis as “this can only end up awful”. Then guess what, however it ends, you’ll still see it as ending up, well … awful. But, if we can think of the possible positive outcomes that can arise from this predicament, we will in fact increase our positive emotions. This thought process is under our control and focusing on what we can control can eventually decrease feelings of anxiety. We are constantly being challenged in life and with these challenges, we grow.

In this Mindful New Normal talk, you’ll learn wellness techniques including, self-reflecting, mindfulness and reframing skills that will help you to eventually learn how to, in fact, “grow with challenges”.

It’s very seldom that the outside world gives us a chance to slow down and think about our life goals and values, let’s use it!

Randall Birnberg is an American-European educator, entrepreneur, scientist and author. As a Positive Psychologist, he has trained business leaders and managers in sales and marketing on a variety of topics including Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Mindfulness, Positive Communication, Wellbeing, Cross-Cultural Communication and Positive Project Management. He earned his B.A. degree in Interpersonal Communication from Loyola University of Chicago, an M.A. in psychology and philosophy from St. John’s College in New Mexico and has written his doctoral thesis for Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization (EHERO) in Rotterdam.

Paul Salazar – Spooky Astronomy

Is the universe really out to get us? Sometimes we see things in the sky that look scary but it’s just our imagination. Or is it? This lecture will make you smile, laugh and maybe cringe at the range of spooky and unexplained things we see in nature and in the sky. It’s a fun but also serious look at the universe and how we humans react to it, and a reminder of just how extraordinary our world is.

Entrepreneur and amateur astronomer Paul Salazar sits at a cross-section of different paths in life. Stemming from Mexican and Armenian roots, he’s a native of Los Angeles. His 35-year software and tech career led him up the California coastline to Silicon Valley before diverting across the globe to Munich, Germany. Despite Paul’s journeys across our planet, he’s always had his eyes on the skies. His passion for astronomy is something that he wants to share with the world around him. A natural teacher, he wants to not only improve the world but enrich it; it is Paul’s ultimate goal to use his knowledge, passion, and zest for the stars as a driving force for minds (young and old) around him.

Constanze – Cocktails and Corona – How I Learned to Become a Bartender to Cope with the Pandemic Blues

April 2020. The pandemic blues is in full swing, anxiety for the present is combined with worries about the future. Desperate for life, I am reminiscing about one of the last parties I hosted: New Year’s 2019/2020 where I did amateur bartending at my friend’s house and had a blast mixing and serving cocktails.

Rather aimlessly at first, I started looking for a bartending school in Munich – and found it: Barschule München. As soon as the regulations allowed for it, I signed up for my first bartending class because why not? This talk is about how I learned something new in order to get myself out of a depressed mess and how that something turned into a business idea. Join this session and indulge in delicious liquid samples (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) while I talk about cocktails and corona.

Constanze studied American Studies at LMU Munich, Reed College in Portland, OR, and Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. In the past, she has worked with expats and students in various capacities. She now works at a literary agency where, amongst others, she gets to read manuscripts on a daily basis. In her free-time, she makes plans for her bartending business and trains for her next karate belt.

Naomi Isaacs – Kárisma – χάρισμα – The Gift – Of Course You Have Kárisma!

Originally the Greek word Kárisma meant simply “the gift” and did not describe any specific personality trait. Over time attributes were added until at the beginning of the 20th century Max Weber, the German sociologist, defined it as a quality of personal magnetism, even claiming it was an essential component of leadership skills.

This unfortunate development has led many people to the conclusion that “either you have it, or you don’t”, to overvalue this particular trait and often enough to believe that they themselves “don’t have it”. A disastrous misunderstanding! Of course you have Kárisma!

Naomi Susan Isaacs has “led many lives” and practiced a variety of professions. Born 1943 in England she first became a school teacher and a folk singer. On relocating to Germany 1968 she spent many years in various industries learning “how the real world functions”. 1984 she went freelance as a jazz singer, singing teacher, speaker and inspirational coach, working internationally until 2019. Her book “Postkarte aus Bali … ein Kinderbuch für Erwachsene”– a modern fairy tale – offers a broad overview of her philosophy of life and has moved adults and young people alike to examine their own values. Now in semi-retirement, she continues to inspire people to identify their core gift and to re-assess the value of their contribution in the world. (The photo is by Aniela Adams – https://www.die-fotografin-in-muenchen.de/)

Andrea Schmitz – What Small Businesses Should Consider when Planning/Creating a Corporate Blog or Newsletter

Corporate blogs are an excellent tool to provide some of your knowledge for free. By sharing interesting content, you can make your readers happy and win new customers both at the same time!

In this talk, you will learn how to set up a corporate blog, how to find interesting topics, how to define your target group and its demands/what they would like to learn. Together, we will look at the Dos and Don’ts of corporate blogging. Join this talk to make your blog more beneficial to your audience!

Andrea Schmitz has been supporting small and medium-sized companies with their marketing communications since 2008. She is passionate about making the target group understand marketing language by avoiding technical terms and buzzwords. Andrea is convinced that mutual sympathy between partners and fun at work combined with good time management can make each project a success. She also likes fun in her spare time: connecting with people at festivals, concerts and parties – and an occasional round of golf.

Robert Summers – Brilliant solutions through conflict management

“Are you fed up with all the bickering, the glares and stares, the daily fuss? Are you in a constant fight to keep your project on track? Wait! Conflicts in our daily business are a pain. At the same time conflicts are a foolproof indicator that issues, challenges and problems are waiting for the perfect solution! I will talk about your options on how to tackle tough issues and turn the board: Conflict Management as the core approach to finding brilliant solutions!”

Robert, age 53, German American Hybrid, US father, German mother, studied Linguistics at the LMU in Munich, started his professional career as a project manager in IT. Became self-employed as an IT consultant, Facilitator and Business Coach in 2006. Teaches Conflict Management and Negotiation Techniques at University of Applied Sciences in Kufstein, Tirol. Robert’s typical clients work for small and medium size companies (KMU) all over Germany.

Jamie Wilkie – Innovation and Agility within a large corporation – a contradiction in terms?

What is Cybersecurity for Operational Technology and why should a customer’s CEO or CFO care? How do you create a service portfolio and a sales pipeline in this area applying the principles of agile development? What are the hurdles to being agile in a large corporation and what have we learnt on the way?

Jamie is Senior Director, “Product Owner” and entrepreneur for OT Cybersecurity Services at Fujitsu, a global IT player with around 126,000 employees. Jamie’s background is in R&D, corporate strategy, business development and innovation with many years experience in the areas of networking and security.

Paul Smith – SECRET SIGHT – Reading hidden signals in virtual face-to-face body language

An interactive presentation exploring…
1. Secret Sights of the Masters
What the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Picasso reveal about facial perception.
2.  Reading Body Language
How to recognize duplicity and doubt in virtual and face-to-face interviews, meetings, and negotiations.
3.  Covid-Masking and Cultural Attire
Recent effects of face-masking on communication, body covering in different cultures, and changing policies in the workplace.

Paul Smith DipAD M.A. is Managing Partner of PSA GmbH & Co KG. Paul holds a post-graduate Master’s Degree in visual communication and educational technology from The Royal College of Art (London) and has over 25 years’ international experience in leadership and development consulting, team training, and executive coaching.

David Manicke – Social Media in Times of War

Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, social media has played an instrumental role in shaping the global response to the ongoing conflict. Whether in intelligence gathering, promoting activism throughout Europe, and directly helping Ukrainians in and outside of their home country, social media’s widespread reach in 2022 has changed the way we are perceiving this conflict. In this talk, learn about the ways in which social media – from Twitter to TikTok to Telegram – is providing people outside the conflict zone with an in-depth understanding of the realities on the ground. Learn how this is shaping narratives surrounding the conflict, and how those narratives intersect with the activism and charity which has grown to become a part of Europe’s response to the war.

David Manicke is a Fulbright Scholar based in Chemnitz who is researching political extremism in Saxony. Prior to his Fulbright, David gained experience conducting Open-Source Intelligence Analysis for a small, Pacific Northwest-based private security contractor. Originally from Portland, Oregon in the United States, David completed his Bachelor’s Degree in International Affairs and German at Lewis & Clark College, where he spent a year studying abroad at Munich’s Ludwig Maximilians University in 2019/20. David has recently re-joined the AGBC Munich Chapter after a year’s hiatus, and looks forward to continued engagement with the club as he spends more time in Munich, his second home.

Theda Ockenga and Sonja Bunzeit – The future of healthcare training is virtual: Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) training solutions

Qualified and well-trained workforce is in short supply in many industries – especially in healthcare, as the last years have shown us. As the demand for training personnel  (demographic change) continues to grow, new and innovative training solutions are needed to meet those needs. Immersive technologies such as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality offer innovative, effective and flexible ways to better prepare healthcare professionals for the complex demands of everyday work and to support them in their work.

This session gives an overview of VR- and AR-based training solutions and how they’re already being used. There will also be the opportunity to try and test VR- and AR-applications for yourself!

StellDirVor operate a very successful partnership with two US based software companies – SimX (https://www.simxvr.com/) and EducationXR (https://educationxr.com/).

Theda Ockenga and Sonja Bunzeit are co-founders of Munich based startup StellDirVor, which offers consulting and solutions on immersive technologies for knowledge and process management in the healthcare sector. Both have been working as digital consultants for 15 and 8 years. With StellDirVor, they’re focusing on implementing innovative technologies in a human- and practice-centered way.


Event registration is closed for this event.