When: 25 Jan. 2023. Registration begins at 1830; the meeting starts at 1900 sharp, dinner begins at 2000.
During this in-person AGM, the AGBC Board will provide members an update on the operational and financial results of 2022 and the outlook and budget for 2023. Members of our AGBC Munich Chapter will then elect the 2023 Board of Officers.
Please remember that as a Club/Verein here in Germany, we need an in-person quorum of at least 10% of our Members to elect the Board of Officers for 2023. Member participation is very important, and we kindly ask our Members to attend this in-person meeting.
To participate in the meeting, members need to have already paid their 2023 Membership Dues before Saturday, 21 January. As in past years, our 2023 annual membership fees are:
- Personal Membership €75.00
- Family Membership €125.00
- Corporate Membership €150.00
- Student Membership €37.50
For Members with whom we have a Direct Debit/Lastschrift in place, the fees will be deducted in early January. Otherwise, Members who do not use a debit debit approach should make their 2023 Membership Dues payment directly to:
American-German Business Club Munich e.V.
Muenchner Bank
IBAN DE68 7019 0000 0001 0895 95
If you would like to set up and pay with direct debit, you may request the direct debit authorization form at admin@agbc-munich.com. The invoices will be sent out within the next weeks by e-mail. If you have not received an invoice for your 2023 Membership Dues by Friday, 13 January, please request this by writing to: admin@agbc-munich.com
All members of the Munich Chapter are highly encouraged to attend this meeting. If you are unable to attend, you can ask an attending member to vote on your behalf as proxy. You can request a proxy form (power of attorney) from Brendan Todd at admin@agbc-munich.com and send it back by no later than Monday, 23 January (more information below). In order to ease the voting process, an attending member may represent no more than one absent member.
Our AGBC Board in 2022 has been comprised of the following Officers:
Name Position
Constanze Sabathil President
Christina Lorenz Secretary
Karl Gruns Treasurer and Executive Vice-President
Paul Morgan VP – Marketing Communications
Ralph Phillips VP – Events, Website
Larry Schulz VP – Community Outreach (incl Membership)
Nick Walker VP – Social Media
For 2023, we will be proposing a slate of Officers. This will be communicated at least 2 weeks prior to the Virtual Annual General Meeting.
Event registration is closed for this event.