
6:30 pm - 10:00 pm


Bookings closed


Marriott Hotel
Berliner Str. 93, München, Bayern, 80805, Bavaria

Event Type

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Our 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will commence at 7 PM sharp. The first part of the meeting is for members only and will last until around 8:15 PM. Guests are welcome to join us for the post-meeting buffet and networking.

Please register in the Events Tool at www.agbc-munich.de for the meeting not later than Monday, 27th January.  On the meeting night, sign-in starts at 6:30 PM.  Please plan to arrive early as we make a record of the names, obtain your signatures, and are required to confirm the membership status of each attendee upon sign-up.

During the AGM the Board will provide members an update on the operational and financial results of 2019 and the outlook and budget for 2020. Members of our AGBC Munich Chapter will then elect the 2020 Board of Officers.

Please remember that as a Club/Verein here in Germany, we need a quorum of at least 10% of our members to elect the Board of Officers for 2020.  Member participation is very important, and we kindly ask our members to attend the meeting.

To participate in the meeting, members need to have already paid their 2020 Membership Dues before Saturday, January 25th, 2020. Current membership fees are:

Personal Membership – 1 Year @ Eur 75.00,

Member/Family Membership- 1 Year @ Eur 125.00; and

Corporate Membership – 1 Year @ Eur 150.00.

Student Membership – 1 Year @ Eur 37.50.

Members who have not set up a direct debit (i.e. Lastschrift) should make their 2020 Membership Dues payment directly to:

ABGC Chapter Munich e.V.

Muenchner Bank BLZ 701 900 00, Kto Nr. 1089595.

IBAN DE68 7019 0000 0001 0895 95

If you would like to set up and pay with direct debit or if you need an invoice to document your 2020 Member Dues payment, please request this by writing to admin@agbc-munich.com.

All members of the Munich Chapter are highly encouraged to attend this meeting. If you are unable to attend, you may provide a proxy to an attending member. No member, however, may carry more than three proxies.  Proxy forms are available on request via E-mail to admin@agbc-munich.com.

Our AGBC Board in 2019 has been comprised of the following Officers:

Name                           Position

Christina Lorenz           Secretary

Karl Gruns                    Treasurer

Ralph Phillips                VP Events

Eric Lynn                       VP Exchange

Constanze Sabathil       VP Marketing Communications

Nick Walker .                 VP Membership

Paul Morgan                  VP Community Outreach

Wolfgang Hellmanzik  VP Website

Larry Schulz                  President

We thank Eric Lynn for serving on the Board as VP – Exchange until August.  Additionally, we would like to thank the other board members for their service throughout the year.

For 2020, we will be proposing a slate of Officers.  This will be communicated at least 2 weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.


Event registration is closed for this event.